首页 - 本科 - 专业及课程 - 国土安全 and Applied Intelligence

国土安全 and Applied Intelligence


国土安全 and Applied Intelligence: The Brains of Global Protection

Interested in collecting and assessing intelligence to anticipate and prevent terrorist attacks or threats from organized crime? Earn your Bachelor’s Degree in 国土安全 and Applied Intelligence. 学会理解, track, and investigate criminal networks through the eye of an intelligence operator. Study under professors who have built careers in the field while you deepen your critical thinking and 调查 skills.


准备好迈出下一步了? 报名参加参观! Call us at 585-594-7612 or schedule online.




在罗伯茨, we are committed to giving you a head start in earning income and achieving your personal goals by helping you graduate in four years. 事实上,美高梅mgm平台保证.



You'll work with local 执法 and private sector companies to help inform their decisions.

Access to the computer security and forensic lab with specialized tools.

批判性思维 & 沟通技巧
You will learn how to compile and analyze data to offer insights as well as learn how to communicate with diverse cultures.



Hi, I’m Sam, and I recently graduated from this program. I chose this field because I love helping people. Roberts showed me what it’s really like to work in this field and work with real clients for re搜索 projects. 作为我所学到的结果, I’ve accepted a job in Cyber Investigations for the Center for Missing and Exploited Children.美高梅mgm平台的 professors used classes to show us different computer, 调查, and intelligence skills we’d actually use in the field.


This program will teach you the 医生 skills the Intelligence Investigator/Analyst needs to understand:

  • Human Intelligence (HUMINT) - working with informants and assets on the ground
  • Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) - intercepting communications over phones, 电子邮件, 或其他电子方式
  • Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) - surfing both the internet as well as the dark web
  • Cyber Investigations - extracting intelligence from devices to identify criminal activity
  • Intelligence Product Development - understanding maps, 链接图, 时间线, 以及执行摘要
  • The history of the Intelligence community, as well as policy and law associated with casework, 恐怖主义, 极端主义, 威胁评估, and all aspects of intelligence gathering and dissemination



  • 毒品情报主任
  • 凶杀情报操作员
  • 恐怖主义情报操作员
  • 联邦调查局特工
  • 中央情报局特工
  • 威胁评估


  • 铁德魁特警察局
  • 门罗县警长办公室
  • 门罗县地方检察官办公室
  • 门罗县缓刑
  • 酒精、烟草和火器(ATF)


  • 梅西赫斯特
  • 美高梅mgm平台
  • 梅西赫斯特大学
  • 乔治敦大学
  • 卡罗莱纳海岸大学
  • 印第安纳州立大学
  • 圣母学院
  • 南卡罗来纳城堡学院


国土安全, according to the Department of 国土安全, has the “vital mission of securing the nation from the many threats we face.” This involves securing the nation’s air, land, and sea borders from international organized crime.

Applied intelligence is collecting and assessing data in an efficient way to form conclusions that are helpful and actionable.

Earning your bachelor’s degree in HSAI means that you’ll be collecting and analyzing intelligence as it relates to global organized crime, 比如恐怖主义, 洗钱, 以及人口贩卖.

A homeland security and applied intelligence degree from Roberts will integrate career preparation, 技术, 医生, 批判性思维能力.

With a homeland security and applied intelligence degree, you can pursue a career in 执法, 私营部门, 承包, 军事, 和更多的.

Some alumni of Roberts’ program have gone on to intelligence careers with the FBI, 特勤处, 以及像Wegmans这样的私人公司.

是的! 如果你来学校找工作 个人访问, you can meet individually with a professor to get an overview of the major and your individual questions answered. 美高梅mgm平台的 探索日活动 通常包括一个学院 & Services Expo, where you can meet your future professors.

We are committed to helping students meet the financial obligation to earn a degree and advance a career. 美高梅mgm平台的 Office of Student Financial Services works to assist all students in their effort to maximize financial aid. We award financial assistance to 100% of our undergraduate students.


沟通 -传媒专业, you will complete three main components: Christian Liberal Arts, 沟通课程, 以及你的专注课程, 在攻读传播学学位的路上.
刑事司法 - The 刑事司法 major prepares students for positions in areas such as judicial services, 执法, 国土安全, 私人保安, 他们的刑事司法学位.
网络罪案调查 - Cybercrime Investigations minor teaches you how to use 调查 技术 to keep the Internet safe and pursue justice. Study the dark web, network forensics, and ransomware.
经济犯罪调查 - The 经济犯罪调查 program is an interdisciplinary major that blends courses from 刑事司法, 会计, 和计算机科学, giving students a firm foundation in the procedures of criminal investigation and preparation of evidence for the justice system.
心理学 -作为一个心理学专业的学生, you will meet our wonderful team of faculty, who love the Lord and love to teach 心理学 课程, as you work toward your 心理学 Degree.
刑事司法部门- 585.594.6310 - herbert_samantha@罗伯茨.edu