Initial Childhood and Special Education - 课程


This is the course format for a full-time student in this program with 16 week terms. For more information about this program or part-time options, please call 585.594.6600或电邮至AGE-招生@罗伯茨.edu.

GEDU 5010 | Planning, Instruction, and Assessment | 3 credits

This course introduces how 教ers develop curriculum, 计划和交付教学, and assess student learning in inclusive classroom settings. 学生将制定课程和单元计划, 识别和使用各种教学策略, 在教学过程中监控和调整方法, 进行非正式和正式的评估. 学生将学会调整教学以满足学生的学习差异,并使教学与纽约州的学习标准保持一致.

GEDU 5011 | Social Foundations of Education | 3 credits | Offered 在线

拓展学生对学习环境的动机和管理的理解,超越课堂,关注教育的社会和文化背景. 考虑贫穷的影响, 比赛, class, and gender; formation of character; culturally-sensitive 教ing; involvement of parents and 社区; collaboration with 学校 and 社区; cultural diversity; beliefs and norms. 考虑CSE和教学支持团队在更广泛的社区背景下的作用. Includes models of collaboration used in working with families and with other professionals. Addresses the historical development and current status of 学校s in the US, with particular attention to the development of urban education systems. Introduces and critiques 学校 law and funding structures. Attention is given to the evolving role of 学校s as institutions, 教育在民主社会中的作用, 教育背景下的伦理, 以及公民身份的意义和重要性.

GEDU 5012 | Historical Foundations of Special Education | 3 credits | Offered 在线

本课程介绍了联邦和州法律法规中定义的特殊教育的历史基础和例外情况. 学生将学习历史的观点, 定义, 病因, 特征, 需要, and service delivery systems within each area of exceptionality. Students will develop an understanding of the 需要 of students with disabilities, 以及如何在通识教育课程中提供促进残疾学生参与和进步的教学, consistent with New York State requirements for general and special education 教ers. 将介绍个人教育计划(IEPs)的性质和要求,以及纽约州为残疾学生制定标准的方式.

GEDU 5014 |语言与读写I | 3学分

为英语母语者和英语学习者(ELL)介绍语言习得和新兴读写能力。. Focuses on pre-literate behaviors, emergent literacy, and literacy through grade two. 包括ELA标准, 方法, 和评估, 以及科技在阅读中的应用, 写作, 说话, 和听力. Teaches students how to differentiate classroom instruction. Students gather data about learning-to-read and perform semantic analysis on the data.

GEDU 5029 | Teaching Mathematics in the Inclusive Classroom | 3 credits | Offered 在线

在儿童早期和儿童课堂上, children develop problem solving and numeracy skills, so 教ers must have a strong foundation in the content and 方法 of 数学. 在本课程中, 学生将发展计算和教学技能,以支持数学的指导和概念理解. Students will explore and use New York State 数学 standards to plan, 教, 然后评估理解能力. Methods of instruction and assessment will consider differentiated and inclusive practices.

GEDU 5018 | Language and Literacy in Childhood Classrooms | 3 credits

在本课程中, students will further their understanding of the reading and 写作 continuum at grades 1-6. 学生将学习以研究为基础的教学实践,以支持学生的识字发展. These 方法 include the use of direct instruction, 整体方法以及基于文献的方法,适用于所有学习者,包括英语学习者. Attention is paid to content-area reading and instructional strategies, 包括写作和听力的学习. 本课程介绍提高阅读和写作技能的技术.

GEDU 5019 | Student Behavior and Learning Environments | 3 credits | Offered 在线

探讨课堂管理和如何适应不同的课堂配置,以更有效地为有残疾和没有残疾的学习者. Includes co-教ing models; system-wide efforts to prevent violence and disruption; the self-contained classroom; and push-in, 拉拔力模型. 功能行为评估. Following their introduction to action re搜索 (see "Preparation for Re搜索") students consider various re搜索 designs to support the evaluation of new approaches to managing the learning environment; students then collaborate on the design of an action re搜索 project focused on a management approach they find in the professional literature.

GEDU 5023 | Assessment in Inclusive Classrooms | 3 credits

Expands the student's knowledge of Assessment through diagnostic-prescriptive 教ing. 提供评估有特殊需要的儿童的技能和机会,然后在包容性课堂中所有内容领域的适当水平和适当顺序计划有效的教育活动.

GEDU 5026 |硕士专题| 3学分

Students are guided through the completion of their M.Ed. Thesis or Curriculum Project through weekly seminars, supplemented by regular meetings with the chosen Reader.

GEDU 5027 | Child and Adolescent Development and Learning | 3 credits | Offered 在线

本课程旨在让学生对人类发展进行有意义的探索,并从产前经历到青春期学习. Students will examine the nature of development across major domains (physical, 认知, 的社会性, 和道德), 环境(家庭)的影响, 学校, 社区, 和文化)发展, 以及身份的建构. Attention will also be given to theories and processes of learning, 以及它们对教学的影响. 在整个课程中, the focus will be on using knowledge of learners and learning to develop evidence-based, developmentally appropriate 教ing practices for increasingly diverse classrooms.

GEDU 5030 | Elementary Curriculum and Methods | 3 credits

在本课程中, students practice 写作 and 教ing lessons using the New York State learning standards, 目标, 以及小学课程的内容. Students will learn developmentally appropriate 方法 in the areas of English language arts, 数学, 科学, 1至6年级的社会研究. Students will learn and practice integrating content areas to develop higher-order thinking skills. This course also addresses various aspects of the 教ing-learning process, the preparation and use of instructional materials, 以及影响学生学习的因素.

GEDU 5031 | Instructional and Adaptive Technology | 3 credits | Offered 在线

This course explores instructional technology as a tool to facilitate learning for all students. Students will explore the use of technology as "mind tools" to stimulate and engage student interest and participation in learning; students also consider the use of technology and adaptive technology to scaffold learning for all students. 这门课的特点是动手操作硬件, 软件, 这是当今学校的典型网络, 包括智能板, 相机, 数据投影仪, 办公室的包, 内容特定的软件, web-based inquiry and collaborative multimedia projects. Students will consider issues and opportunities with emerging technologies, with an emphasis on media literacy and opportunities to further literacy with technology. 运用他们所学的研究方法, students gather data and analyze results to further their understanding of technology impact.

GEDU 6000 | Capstone Seminar | 2学分

This is a weekly seminar that accompanies student 教ing, 学生和主要教师通过解决问题的方式解决学生教学中出现的问题, 角色扮演, 情景分析. 一个重要的目标是把理论与实践联系起来. 此外,该课程使用学生的作品集来设定学生在教学过程中的成长目标. At the beginning of the course and after each placement, students reflect (in 写作) on their development as 教ers and special educators; these student reflections become part of the student's portfolio. Students and the instructor develop a rubric to score their portfolios for excellence, 以专业规范为分类. Topical instruction throughout the semester is rotated among the cohort team; topics include adapting instruction for students with disabilities; knowledge of and 教ing in all content areas; managing the classroom environment; integration of technology; 学校 law; 学校 culture; professional ethics and demeanor; reflective practice; the portfolio; the job 搜索. 该团队还与学生教学主管协商,以确保每个学生在所有重点领域都表现出优势.

GEDU 6002 |学生教学| 7学分

学生将完成有监督的学生教学经验,使他们能够在幼儿环境中工作,在持有适当证书的教师的监督下工作,并由美高梅mgm平台的教职员工监督. Student 教ers participate in planning and 教ing with increasing responsibility. 在随之而来的每周研讨会上, 学生教师进行反思, self-evaluative discussions of 教ing experiences.



  • Field Experience Requirement | Students must complete 150 hours of fieldwork
  • SAVE |必修工作坊
  • 虐童|强制工作坊
  • DASA - Dignity for All Students | Mandatory Workshop
  • 自闭症工作坊|必修工作坊
  • EAS |教育全体学生考试
  • CST |内容专业测试
  • 社署|残疾学生
  • 教师表现评估
  • 学生教学实习| 14周


青少年与特殊教育.Ed. - Prepare for New York State 教ing certification and earn a Masters in Adolescence Education, 以及青少年特殊教育硕士(7-12年级),这是一个为时间有限的成年人开发的负担得起的灵活的双重认证计划.
学校心理学硕士.S. - Our Masters in School Psychology program prepares students to evaluate, 诊断, 治疗儿童和青少年, 与家长和老师协商.
成人和研究生招生- 585.594.6600 | 800.777.4792(免费)- AGE-招生@罗伯茨.edu